CLASS PHOTOS :D :D Haha, second row, almost middle almost middle!!
I'm starting to really like 3/5 now, our Captain's ball's like ownage. I've never felt like i could rest in captains ball in 2/3 but now I'm not needed anymore!
With basketballer Siew Khoon best friend, volleyballer Pearleen squirrel, netballer Jia Yi, badminton player Wei Lin and Yi Jun best friendsss, with the vball guys and Zi Hang, we almost owned the whole Sec 3 :D
Preliminary rounds we beat 3/3 14 to 1 and 24 to 3 :D :D
Semi finals we beat 3/6 by alotalot, first round idk, second round 20++ to 1 :DDDD
But some people from other class just couldn't stop finding faults with us -.-
Looking forward to finals!! It's very entertaining to see them play, really.
Test results back tmr. First paper: GEOG. GG. hahaha, I'm so so so sooo dead.