Pink pigssssssss :D

Lips piercing
YESSA! Mugged at home today. 2hrs mug, half hour rest, 2 hours mug, 1 hour eat, 2 hours mug, 2 hours eattttt! Studied a total of 6 hours todayyy :D Studying at home is very productive, but studying out at YT's MPH is wayyyyyyyy more productive provided ShuHui is not there to distract me :D :D Finished 1 chem chapter on covalent conding; the structures are like hell -.- That isn't hard anyway, i still had some time to slack abit and let my mind wander off.
Geog; heavy contentttt! Tried hard to understand Weather studies. Guess what I've been doing these geog lessons since T2? Re-enforcing my worksheets and make my file look nice, do truckloads of Geog corrections and copying down notes blindly. This resulted in ---------> dun understand, dun understand, STILL DUN UNDERSTAND. Haha, means I know shitz about weather studies. So i spent 4 hours covering elements of weather. LOL, I admit i got watch TV in between. Haha, but most of the time I studied okkk! Now I understand a hell lot more and those key words that vaguely left any impression in my mind during Mdm Neo's classes appears very clear to me now :D
Alright, enough about studies. Those who haven't started revising for SA1 will definitely feel guilty. LOL, I've got not much confidence this time round. Worn out after these few months.. But it's ok! Not O levels yet, like Mrs Chong said, it's not too late to buck up now (: BUCK UPPPPP, Lovel :D
Truckloads of photos not posted yet, haha! I'm not so no life to study everyday anyway. Seoul Garden on 10/4 with ♥, YiTing and ShuHui. FUNFUN, esp lip piercing. LOL, refer to photos. Funny dessert, (: More going outs pleaseeee. Oh, and 10/5 is ZX's bday, 11/5 is Quek's. Last year's MYEs ended on 9th so we spent the whole of 10th at YT's condo, celebrating for ZX, as well as 4 months for ♥ and I. Wanted to celebrate advanced Quek's bday, but she couldn't make it. Awww ): But that was the first fun gathering Clique had in 2008. With the root and all.. Haha, go refer to last year's post if you dunno what happened. So fast, a year's passed. I seriously dunno what use to describe time.. But this year's MYEs will end at some inauspicious time, so can't get to celebrate. Will miss 10/5/2008 so so much. One of my wishes last year was to spend 10/5/2009 at the same place for the same thing with the same ppl. D: D: Nostalgia, ):
Alright, got to move on with life. SEC THREE SEC THREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!! Such a stupid year. I predicted my misery since last year anyway.
Things will never be the same again, I'll never be 14 anymore. I won't be not hurt anymore..