3 MORE TO GO! HAHAHA :D Phy presentation tmr, Speech tmr, SS presentation aft tmr! Had Oral today. Probability of calling up me to be the first oral candidate : 1/45. Still, I got it. Great. Before the random picking started I had a badddd feeling I'll be picked first. Then BINGO! Anyway must thank Mrs Goh for that long suspense of counting through the three classes class list till 37 for my name. For the past 2 years I was randomly picked towards the end anyway. I still remember coming back during the holidays for oral in Sec 1 cos Mrs Yeo missed my name totally!! Oral was fine i suppose. WINGSANG SAW MY SCORE! But too bad I dunno how much is the max score for oral. Haha (: I think I matched all the band 2 descriptor of the marking scheme. :x
Stressstress!! Many many things to complete through these few weeks D: I hope i can survive the ordeal.. Anyway, a proud accomplishment today! Wei Lin, Wan Ting and I did the Phy ppt plus finding info etc in 1hr 15min ONLINE! So Pooven's gonna present tmr (: Wish him luck! Bad thing today is I didn't revise anything although there's no homework. But at least sth is done (: Shall sleep now :D BYE!