
XL cheers me up!
TGIF!!!! Yes, school ended super early today because of SPEECH DAY ♥♥ :D Can't wait to take a deeeeep breath. School's been horrible. I've got loads to catch up on now. Math, math, chem, phy, geog, hist, ss, chinese, english. ALL SUBJECTS i'm lagging behind. I've drawn up a SA1 timetable :D :D DISCIPLINEEE! I hope things get better and better now.
Failed my first math test this year. By 2M. K, i expected it long ago actually. Try surviving with only 1 sim. prac and about 2 modulus funct WS's and take the test with vague understanding on that chapter. Ok, it's not impossible. I've looked through the paper and it's really not hard at all. Fine, it's me. I was preoccupied during the test. Nvmmmmmmm, not time to blame anything else either. A bad workman always blames his tools. A bad student always blames his/her teachers when he/she fails her test. Hah, shan't be that loser.
Gonna screw up SS too. TIMEEE! I realise I suck at managing time during tests now. Should have spent more time familiarizing with that format and all. But its okayyyyy, over over over! GG for 20% of SA. No use brooding over it right? Move on!!
Phy test was easy, blame myself for not memorising applications and not reading questons properly. But the test was manageable still :D Chem test next week. Prac test week after, and here comes SA1!!! Feels really different this time round, because there time is moving at a muchhhhhhhh faster rate and with work piling up every single moment, forget abt taking a breather.
Must cherish and make use of every single moment now! :D Brace up, face the worldddd!
:D :D :D