8:48 PM
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
I've so much to blog about!! From Sat (steamboat @ Quek's) till today :D CNY this year have been memorable, so much better compared to the previous years, though I didn't get to dress up very formally, but it was all worth my brain cells(memory) :D Steamboat at Quek's place was very fun (: Super blur queen WanTing and I missed a stop from Jaslyn's house and landed up at the bus interchange instead. Took the same bus back, and got to Quek's home with her calling us STUPID! Ate the new year goodies, whie waiting for our turn to have the steamboat since there was alot of her sister's friend there. Watched abit of 881 in her parents' room after half-filling our stomachs. Switched to Bring It On (i think) after the CD met up with some problem. I WANT TO BE A CHEERLEADER!! :D :D I think they'll make good dancers (ballet/modern) if they try to dance. We went to fetch Kevin after that and Sang made her way there herself and Jaslyn called her SMART, indirectly implying that we are stupid, LOL. She admitted her ill intentions soon after. hehehehe naughty, naughty girl. Went up to her room and they shared their experiences at the OCH during their volleyball chalet and all of us ended up very scared to go home by ourselves -.- Then we talked about lighter and happier stuff to settle us down. Went back home only at 8+, aft eating oranges at her void deck since bringing them home would be super weird (kevin and I didn't bring a bag). Kevin got tortured by both Wan Ting and I cos our oranges were a tad bit more sour than his, so we made him eat ours, while we ate his! LOL, bad right bad right. Wan Ting and I then tried on the swings despite the super late time, and she still couldn't swing any higher than me. LOL, noob :P Got back home safely and took a quick bath and went to sleeeppppp :D My bed was sooo cosy that night. Tiredtired.   Sis's bday card, background is DRAWN ok?   DRAWN  Spent the next day reading Twilight. I must say the story is very very nice. The movie missed so many small details that made it so disappointing. Imagine after living for over a century then you finally found true love. But I guess all that's worth waiting. I want a vampire to piggy-back me and run up to the woods too! Touching love story, I'm addicted I want to borrow New Moon from Shu :D :D Had reunion dinner at night, finally aft so many years. Must thank Grandma for the delicious food, (: Had a very late night sleep cos I took a very very very long nap in the afternoon. First day of the NIU year was very fulfilling (: Spent the morning at Mum's side's Grandma's house, the place where I'm staying at right now. Had shou mian for breakfast, I kept having bowl after bowl of it, very yummy :D Then bainian-ed to mother's side's relatives and went to father's side's then. The place was very crowded, and my cousins were very funny. I can't believe it, it's only a mere few years and I have 3 nephews already! The oldest one 7, and the youngest one just stepped into the Earth few days ago, which means he most prolly have the same birthday as my Sister :D Sis was in the limelight all the time, everyone kept praising her for her looks, saying she looked like an artiste, singer, idol, etc etc. I can't imagine how one should react if everyone keeps bending down to take a clear look at your face. But that's the practice every year. Heh. then my cousin joked that she snatched his limelight cos usually ppl praised him for being so handsome. HAHAHA! Went to gugu's (father's sister) house to have dinner and watch XNR da tuan yuan and went home only very very late. Reached home at 12+ and slept at 1+ in the morning.
shou mian    lighting ):   Woke up today at 8.30am, and got prepared to go out. Reached Justin's house at 10+am and played Cheat. WanTing was the ultimate cheater, and I was the ultimate truthful one. HAHAHA, I can't lie!! But WanTing always got caught by me red handed. I accused many ppl for the truthful moves, so i got a mini deck. hahaha, Justin got caught by me TWICE cos he didn't know I have the whole set of 4, while the others knew -.- The session was funny, but got boring towards the end. Switched to Stress, but the game is only fun if we used UNO cards. Got owned by WT by a few cards cos my first few cards were small numbers while hers was not properly shuffled. So I didn't have any chance to put anything at all -.- Owned Kevin and her again in the second and third game by ONE CARD, with no stress called out. Poker cards are bad ): Played 21 points, I refused to bet. Hahaa, I could have won money a couple of points if I had betted, but gambling is not in my blood. WaiSiong asked if we wanted to go Mr Chan's house aft that and since we had nowhere else to go aft visiting WT, we agreed (: WT was so out of her spirits at her house, she treated us goodies for the very first time!! Omg so touched. LOL, then we went to Drive Thru Mac and WT's "eeyer" when she saw someone was classic. ROFL! Swung at the playground, and went back to Mac since it was drizzling a little. Chatted for a very long time reminiscing the past (: And also complaining about things we were unhappy with, but definitely NOT bitching. Went to Mr Chan's house then, and WS, WT and I thought some ppl could have been more polite at the lift. Anyway, his daughter is very cute and she's deprived of walking cos everyone kept carrying her. I carried her once only! Cos I wanted to grant her more walking. LOL, toddlers.. Wanted to catch Wedding Game, but just as expected, sold out! Even the 7.30 slot was gone, so we dined at Nebo. Came home and Grandma gave me shou mian again. ): Super full, so I finished half the bowl. Unbelievable, :O Exhausted now, I'm finally done with updatingggg! :D :D Shan't reveal how much I got! :D  @ Justin's  WT is emo cos she's deprived of food  Think my fringe needs to be layered more. Look so tired ):  Noodles.....