I'm ever-so-lazy. I'm so lazy to study geog again (I finished a chapter earlier this afternoon). I'm so lazy to get my bum off the chair to bathe. I'm so lazy to upload photos from my Card reader on The Little Nyonya and Seoul Garden+Twilight on 26th.
But I'm so bored! LOL, going mugging tmr with LJS (Long John Silvers; Lovel Jaslyn Sang). So coincidentally my initial happen to be the first.
Initially i planned to have a New Year's eve BBQ at ECP, but too short time notice, plus I'M SUPE LAZYYYYYY!! Zzzz.. (Plannings and stuff turns me off) ): Anyway i had a great time ytd at KFC having a bitching, and grouchyyyyy session. LOL, bet many of you will go "O: they're such bitches to be having a bitching session. They think they're the best?" LOLLOLLOL, bitch, WHO DOESN'T BITCHHHHH?!?!?! (talent of girls). Alright, i think I'm super crappy today. But I've been guai cos i put my belt into the hoop when i got my merit bursary today, and studied Geography just now. (Irony to 1st Para, oops :x)
Ok, in the meantime, be entertained by super spas mugging photos for SA2 '08! Gosh, it's overdued -.-
YiTing in the pink limelight

Super crazy hairstyle modified by pigtail from other girls.


Sang took this shot for me, i'm supposed to act like a emo kiddo.

Hair modified from shot aboveeee!

Upside down written words. By quek :D

Ok, this is
jing1 dian3. Apparently we were trying to suan someone.