HAPPY BIRTHDAY JINGFANG(16/12) AND XIANLONG(15/12) :D :DWent to Sentosa to celebrate their 14th & 16th birthday respectively, and many ppl turned up despite all the last minute calling and preparation :D We played at the beach, went for the Luge and SkyRide, watched Animal Shows, and played with heights :D LOL! The best part was pushing them into the sea. JingFang's attempt was a fail, while XianLong's one was a success. LOL! Took videos, but lazy to post them up :x there are a total of 140++ photos, so i just chose a few random ones to post :D
Met Cas and Sang in the morning to travel to Vivo tgt :D
We prepared 2 boxes just a few days before for them; XianLong one had a "Made in China" while JF's one was "Made in Korea" (:

After meeing Shu and ZX at Vivo we went to meet the rest at the Sky Park after lunch (:
And there we found the Birthday girl/guy :D
Jing Fang :D


Camwhored there, cos WingSang and Dean were playing with heights (: There, do re mi fa so :D :D

Then we asked a Korean (foreigner) to take 2 group shots :D Here's the perfect one,

here's the unprepared one (:

Bought tickets after a hard time sorting out the money. Cos Dean got a $50 -.- Then the first thing we did when we reach Sentosa was.. LUGE AND SKYRIDE :D The guys were like girls at first; complain no money, so dowan to play. While the girls were the most enthu :D yeah! Then after complaining, the vain guys said they wanted to join us. (going out with them can result in fury most of the time, LOL)
Pictures below :D

Then we "toured" the beaches on the trams. Walked to Siloso Beach at first, cos trams were filled, just to realise that area was out of bounce. But we still saw monkeys :D and we took the great opportunity to suan Kevin. (: Monkeys are a smart lot, they eat chocolate, and drink Ribena.



Then we played at Palawan Beach, and we came across this super sexy made of sand "mascot". It's naked, and a straw is stuck on the supposed-to-be private part. But the toes and hands and knees were so real like that at first one of the guys thought someone was nude lying on the beach!! LOL! The guys bought WATER GUNS, but realised they had been scammed cos it's made of poor materials. And without pulling the trigger, water flows out just like that!! They do look like a bunch of idiots, esp
Willy. HAHAHA! We took the golden opportunity to push the birthday goys (invented by Sang; girl+boy) into the sea. We lied to them that we're gng into knee deep water to take a group shot. But we pushed them into the sea instead :D
Then we went to watch the Animal Show (though not all of us), then we went back to the beach and they took jumpshots. (: Scroll down to see who the "they" are.

Then me and Sang went up on the bridge and took EMO, normal shots :D Guess where she's walking to? Ans: HOME

Trying to act emo like im gng to jump :O

Taken by Cas :D

here are random shots taken throughout the day :D we played with Kevin's ahma sunglasses, and we had so much fun (:

They look like a couple, dont they? But as historians, pictures do NOT speak a thousand words, cos the truth is.......


And this is a proper shot with Dean. W, his shirt descrie Kevin best!

Playing with heights, ad laughing badly at the same time

Poor Sang