GOODBYE, 2/3 '08, and not forgetting 1/3 '07Actually i tried posting yesterday but was pretty distracted, and got alot of stuff to be done.
I'm officially done with my homework, except chem worksheet (which needs sec3 chem tb according to Wai.S)
Anyways, here's proper post for the class.
After these two years it is quite obvious that our bond is very strong, and we're united as a class.
But there are times that you can see conflicts rising here and there, weakening friendships and bonds.
Talking about these 2 years, it sounds long, but yet short. It sounds short, but yet long.
I wasn't sad when 2/3 had to part yesterday, cos i've long ago been prepared, and it was just part of life (: All good things come to an end.
Thinking back, there are many things that have happened through this period of time.
From Sec 1, we've been the least enthu in the Sec 1 campfire.
And then there was this uniform group season at a time after choosing of CCAs. The uniform groups would do marching and stuff, and the envious people would learn some marching skills from them.
Then there was Happy Toilet and different projects and events coming up that needs our cooperation as a class. Initially most people helped out because of CIP hours and stuff.
But as time passes, it's proven and evident that we had enjoyed it as a class, and it was all meaningful.
Then we had many many best MSG certs, which we pasted at the notice board, then the doors, then notice board again, then doors again. And that loud cheering is always what we would expect when we win different competitions etc.
We might not to enthusiastic in sports, but we're good in academics.
In sec 2, we started having study groups and water fights.
Then we had "singing sessions" and gossiping sessions. Miss Ng had obviously been the key player, and always made us hand in forms on time, making us choose subject combination on time.
It seemed as though we're the nerd class, but we're proud of our achievements.
And not forgetting those racist, sizist, religionist jokes we cracked, and the fun times and outings we've been as majority of the class.
It seems like the list's never-ending. And now that we're separated as a class, I have mixed feelings over the whole matter.
I must say that i've enjoyed myself being in this heavenly class consisting of 39 angels, with the last angel who managed to fly after two years after all (: cos he passed overall.
Though separated, but we shan't be sad, because this class will forever be in our hearts (: forever.
Happiness and sadness, they're all put to an end now. And for the last time..
Goodbye 2/3 '08 (:
Hold your tears people! LOL, see you at class BBQ!
And i shall not forget to thank these people individually (:
See, you appeared first on the list! Thanks for always lending a listening ear to me whenever i needed it. I don't know how many times you've seen me cry. LOL, and i've not seen you do that before. You're strong, i can see. And you share many similarities with me. Sister, father, mother's treatment, sister's treatment, similar results etc etc. And the conflicts we had, not talking for hours cos i wanted to play April Fool's prank on you, and many more. And remember the type of guys we always give YT and SH, and rmb how i've been so nice not to push you into the pool on YT's bday. And i hope you haven't forget(no lah, i know you'll rmb) about the Monday secrets we never fail to have. Oh, and last but not least, i'll never forget your bimbotic laughter, though you claim you're not. WE ALL KNOW YOU ARE!
Thanks for keeping so many stuff from me (LOL), and now we promise to exchange more secrets between each other (: have more confidence in yourself ok, and don't worry, you'll do well next year. Thanks for all the toilet trips and i know we haven't been too close last year cos we both have reservations for each other. But all these need to come to an end and it can be seen that our bond strengthened later this year. I won't forget your flings + HIM, and i'll continue teasing you next year. Thanks for being such a great friend, and dont worry lah, the time i was most angry with you is only during SRP season. HAHAHA!
It's time you changed your attitude you know? You know why i say this? Cos i really can't stand your hamster ways! LOL, ok kidding. Thanks for saying that i'm ke bo last time, and i know. I hope our friendship have strengthened cos i find that last time i had almost nth to say to you when i'm walking with you ): but now we have lots of crap (: i think it's the teasing that keeps us there, so i will continue teasing you next year! And thanks for always turning up and have ideas for different parties and outings. Keep that spirit, and i see your report book alrd. YOU STARTING TO LOSE TO ME! HHAHAHAHA, so buck up next year, and see you! Dun slack around so much anymore ok (:
YOU DINOSAUR! Thanks for being crazy everytime you're with us. And you're very strong (: Thanks for lending a listening ear for many difficulties that i have to pull through. And you're always sharing your experiences with us and stuffs like that. Better cherish your life because i don't want to see you dead. You're mindful with your words and attitude, and that's what i admire you about alot (: Study hard, bimbo. And DON'T drop HCL please, cos i really think you can do it (: Then again, thanks :D
Thanks for being a great friend for up to 5 years (: Though we really have many conflicts through this whole period of time and many immature acts we've hurt each other through, we're still great friends now right? Yay, and sense of achievement (: Thanks for being with me through Pri sch years and also the different times you tried to help me out. And thanks for being very on for different trips that we always organise, and we still have clique chalet to look forward to! Let's see if we can remain in the same class for the 6th year, that signifies our friendship. Nevertheless, thanks for everything, and good luck (touched huh)
Little time spent on you all, but you all made a quite great impact in my life for the past few months/weeks. I don't know why, but somehow i like to pair you all two tgt, like a married couple! LOL, maybe cos you all keep sticking to each other! Thanks for all that little nice nice recesses that brightens my day, and there we can gossip/chit-chat etc. Thanks for turning up for the parties + chalet despite the clashes and money stuff (: THANKS
I know you think you're very shuai (LOL) and i want to thank you for always trying to embarrass me but to no avail, but instead kena suan-ed by me. I also want to thank you for being the key person to play jokes and help matchmake on. Ok, serious stuff. Thanks for always turning up for different events and being such a great hamster in the study group (: You're nice lah, ok?
Thanks for always acting smart, and sometimes also smart really. You're the key player of the study group cos you pull us tgt. Thanks for being the guys mum and forcing them to turn up for the different organising stuff. And thanks for the precious encouragements and compliments you've given to the girls + me. Although sometimes very irritating, but nice overall (: Just improve your attitude yeah!
I know you're very smart and you want me to say that you're shuai. Thanks for all the fun you've given and has done study group proud. You've got talent i see, and will go far in future. But i think you should be more matured and less retarded. Thanks for trying to entertain us with chinese and always lead us (study group) in heart-to-heart talks despite the boring muggings that took place. Thanks for that!
You're very fat and cute! Anyways, don't be always bothered by your results and your love life lah! LOLLOL! You always very ON about class activities and you have many things unknown to the class. You always entertain us and muggings with you have never been quiet! But you should stop saying the F word that makes you F (fat). HAHAHA, and work hard next year (: JIAYOU!
Didn't talk to you much before and the only thing i saw you so serious was on the eraser thing (winks at Jas). You all are a couple meant to be and have confidence (: I see that you always don't take initiative and you are very blur! So pay attention in class next time, and i'm sure you can do well (:
That's all for the people thanking thing from 2/3 (mostly from study group) See you all next year! And have a happy holiday! CHEERS :D