191008, we went to West Coast Park.
Should we call it Bloody Saturday?
Jaslyn got injured (bloody)
Sean got injured too (bloody + bent bone?)
Really hope they'll both recover soon.
The playing part was rather predictive, but what "traumatised" all of us was when we were sitting at this sea wall.
There was both dry&wet part of this wall, and quek was sitting at the dry part then she walked barefooted to the wet part.
All of us didn't know it was slippery, but anyway she slid down the sea wall.
And what's below this sea wall is the deep sea, and some very sharp rocks (hello it's jurong sea port, which means strong waves + deep harbour)
Anyway, thank god she stopped sliding immediately when she almost touched the sea.
She tried to climb up but slipped a few times on the way.
Then Sean went to save her cos he thought slippers got friction and ended up sliding as well.
The guys were like :O and WaiSiong almost went down tgt with them.
But anyway, both of them were blessed and came up safely with many injuries, esp JaslynQ.
Justin and ZX said it was appalling, and the whole experience was rather traumatising.
Imagine what would happen if they continued sliding into the sea where the rocks might injure them.
Imagine what would happen if the waves swept them away.
Ok, enough of imagination. It was quite a near death escape and really, life is precious (yes, and this is the conclusion)
I've enough of West Coast, LOL
Oh, and look at the pictures.
Sean and me were sitting just a few cm above the wet part.
Thank god we didn't try to sit at the wet part cos we dowan wet butts. HAHAHA
And good thing Sean reminded me. Or else who's sliding down would eventually be me.