And lastly, this is for ShuHui, Hamster.
I think she's turning into a rabbit soon anyways.
She's like spamming me not to post this picture up, but i don't care! LOLLOL
Reason's simple, she pushed me into the pool yesterday, and spreaded whipped cream on my hands which stink alot!
Hahaha, anyway this is not an open challenge to her ah.
It's a supper kidding post, dedicated to this childish hamster. HAHAHAHA!
This photo was taken when we were gng home after watching EAGLE EYE (which is nice), esp when police cars overturn, nope, i'm not a saddist.
That's her taiwan rabbit, and she's behind cos it was totally a candid shot. she just appeared there when we wanted to take ONLY HER RABBIT.
HAHAHA, who ask her so extraaaa! :D
Ok, gonna organise my computer stuff soon (: