Blindness caused by diabetes has taken its toll; you can't see where you are going. Miss a turn.

Take another card or throw the dice one more time.

You are already overweight and you did not do anything to control it. MISS A TURN

You have died from diabetes. Go back to 1

You just won 10 sessions of slimming. Move forward 3 spaces

Too much fats is clog up in your artery you will have a high chance of getting a heart attack. Move back 1 spaces.

You have a balance and healthy lifestyle. Move forward 2 spaces

Heart attack has taken away your life. Go back to 1

You eat potato chips all the time when you want to have a snack. Move back 2 spaces.

You have maintain fir since you were very young. Move forward 5 spaces.

You eat fruits when you want to have a snack. Move forward 3 spaces
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