[Photos in no sequence]
zhus zhus zhus :D :D :D <3

Heritage Hub trip :D

Food for Napfa!

malay lesson's whacko

First time here; Andss Heritage hub

hamster face. awww!

doesn't this look familiar?

my very messy table thanks to srp [not including things on the floor]

i should be studying now but i'm damn bored (and i'm sure i'll regret this)
but since it's a new blog + a new month (ytd)
i shall post new photos too :D
anyway some updates for the previous days/weeks in school
school's way stressful than last yr [duh!]
but it seems like the whole sch is experiencing it cos common tests are all pushed forward.
not like other schools that can enjoy maybe a week more of no-stress.
but shouldn't complain, cos we're not the only ones. and getting over and done with is not a badddd thing after all! :D
well, at least thr are some good news for me after all this hard work (:
srp was very
NOT fine cos the whole ppt was screwed up. [no input is detected] appeared on the screen
mr. chan told us to carry on with the presentation without ppt. -.-
he says it doesn't affect the marks, but we do need to refer to the slides for better understanding.
but overall, mr chan said we presented quite well, especially without the slides.
so, i hope its
bu xing zhong de da xing in this case.
60% of CA2, prays hard it REALLY doesn't affect my marks
but the worse thing is, all of SH's and my hardwork for the ppt and video-finding all went down the drain.
but maybe that's fate. hope the screwing up of ppt is a way for us to pull our marks back cos it proves that we're independent presenters. LOL
Geography spent me the whole weekend last week, mr fadzly said it was hard (the paper)
but it turned out to be quite ok, and 2/3 topped for geog again! (not including 2/5 cos mr fadzly havent mark their paper)
our MSG was 1.7 or 1.8 (somewhr there) and the next class was 2.5 (i think)
and our class was the one with no failures :D
highest was 24.5 upon 25.
Willy got it (there he goes again D:)
since primary school till now..
but yeah, 2/3ian! smart ok!
hahaha, pooven got the same marks as me: 23.5
but anyway there's a slight possibility that we might nt hold on to our position cos 2/5's papers are nt marked.
other projects turned out pretty well, at least with SRP gone.
Grats Elementz team for getting a bronze.
though the medal was funny??
ahahaha, can drop out one. LOL.
NAPFA was fine, my worry was on incline pull ups and SBJ
but both turned out well! SURPRISEE! :D
sit ups - 34 <3 A (see the significant number where i stopped)
standing broad jump - 176cm B (first try was 128cm cos my hand landed thr. LOL)
shuttle run - 11.47s B (damn depressed D:)
incline pull ups - 21 A (damn happy cos i always suck at that)
sit and reach - 44cm (thanks loads to SH)
2.4km run - 16.13min (i think, again pulled me down)
but i got GOLD overall, so i'm very happy
pity ZX who got 4 A's and 1 D
): awwww
alright, wordy post, time to go. bye!