I finished 3/4 of Chapter 1 of History this evening. The chapter's long and tedious.. But we're still going to study it at the end of the day (: Tmr's gng to be a tiring day at school cos I'm going to carry a heavy box of books + presents and a heavy bag of notebooks and misc stuff. The morning's gng to be damn tiring. Then i have to go collect money and pass certs and presents during recess. After school I'm going to Popular to buy stationaries, and Mum's stuff. there's still CCA which I don't feel like turning up ): There's PE and Common Test tmr, it seems like the day's going to be a never-ending tiring one. Hope I'll survive it well (: Week 0's over. So cool :D Camp's in 3 day's time, and I've got so many things to discuss with Clique - YiTing.
There's going to be so many things gng on this month,
- Start of School
- Haziqah's, NianTee's, Shu Hui's, WanTing's, Mummy, Sis, Jassy, Zi Gui, and my birthday.
- 1 year ann :D :D ♥
- Start of CCA; Receiving juniors
- Official Opening of Indoor Sports Hall
- CCA Open house
- Chinese New Year
- Sec 3 Camp
The list goes on, but so far these are the main ones (: And to think of it, I've got many things for camp that i need to buy ): Cos I'm getting alot of disposable things, to lighten the bag load by 9th so that it doesn't add on to the sleepiness on that day. HAHAHA, and I'm gng to get snacks, in case I get hungry at night :D :D Gluttonnnnn!
Oh, and did you guys catch the XNR ying mi hui on TV? It was Dai Yang Tian's 24th birthday then, and the artistes were so so cool :D
I miss 2008 ):