Well, actually i've gotten back 4 subject results.
And i'm glad and contented that i've got 3 A's so far :D Science is the only B
And Chinese is a mystery :x
But i passed both papers :D yay!
Including the second paper which only 10 ppl passed.
How glad am i! :D :D :D
But WanTing's pro; top for chinese history and the compre which killed many ppl
and i just passed for that! :x LOL!
YiTing's also pro cos she also topped for the compre; means she got same marks as WT
And she improved loads cos her science, english, geog got A's
Hahahahah my maths replaced her Science.
WT keep saying she'll fail chinese but she topped -.-
Anw i hope my results just get better or maintain the same.
Looking backward to Lit now. I think it's a sure-fail.
But at least my mum trusts me that i've been studying alrd.
Dun mind failing lit!
Well, it's a subject MEANT TO FAIL (in my opinion? and many others :x)
And Justin should just shutup. LOL! He's pro