Put some pepper on Pooven!:O My last post's on 5th may.
Hahaha Science turned out pretty easy ^^
History today was easy-er (easier)
My dog scratched me on my arm/hand like ~!@#$%^&*(
But i still think it's cute (:
Lucky i didnt focus on chap 6 for history cos those questions that came out on chap 6 are either MCQ or SBQs! HAHAHA
Am i luckyyyy?
Lit's 90mins tmr.
And its gng to be pretty hard i think
It cant be 3 consecutive easy papers. :x
LOL. Anw i watched Death Note 2 at mouse's hse ytd and i'm starting to like L's dark circles.
LOLLOL! No lahhh!
I like the way he holds the phone (:
the thought of end of exams just gets me so highhh!
Ice skating on friday and celebrateeeeee on saturday at yiting's hse ^^
Just 2 more laps to go! :D
JY! I think 2/3's gonna have class outing on Tuesday?? AHH BUSY BUSY CRAZY CRAZY :D:D
Btw, anyone wants to go to yiting's hse on saturday to celebrate ZhiXiang's bday (szx-twit), my dog's bday (but she's nt gng), Jaslyn's advanced bday (but she's nt gng TOOO D:), *, and Justin's made-up story on his dead hamster anniversary?
XiuMing's strongly encouraged not to come cos he'll make the pool overflow LOLLOLLOL! Oooppssss~!
yeah, anyone who wants to come can come
Quoted by *
Anw arguing with Justin is fun
And all you have to do is "i'm gonna write ur name in Death Note" and he's gng to be pleading you, telling you he dont want to die.
Contradictory, ain't it?
Well, life's like that! :D
Take it as it comesssssss! Like how i'm not anxious abt lit tmr despite not even paying attn in class :x
Well, won't see the difference. HAHAHAHA